Belvedere Superior, latura din spate

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Belvedere Superior (Oberes Belvedere)

Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27
1030 Vienna

Atenţie: pentru Belvedere Superior este obligatorie rezervarea gratuită a unui interval de timp pentru grupuri (de la 10 persoane).
luni - duminică, orele 9:00-17:00
Telefon: +43 1 795 57-333

The Upper Belvedere is not only an overall Baroque work of art but also the home of world-famous artworks, including Gustav Klimt's "The Kiss". Numerous works by Schiele and Kokoschka can also be seen.

  • Vienna City Card

    • Avantajul cardului Vienna City Card: -9%

      Additional information on the offer: - 1,50€ on the current entry ticket price (Upper Belvedere)

      - 2,50€ on the current entry ticket price (Upper and Lower Belvedere)

  • Program

    • zilnic, 09:00 - 18:00
  • Accesibilitate

    • Intrare principală
      • fără trepte (Uși batante duble 102 cm lățime)
    • Locuri de parcare Intrare principală
      • Există locuri de parcare pentru persoane cu dizabilități
        Parking space for visitors with disabilities in front of the entrance at Prinz-Eugen-Strasse 27, Parking: 10 am – 6 pm
    • Există lift
      • Ușă 150 cm lățime
    • Mai multe informații
      • Sunt permiși câinii însoțitori pentru nevăzători
      • Există toaletă pentru persoane cu dizabilități, cu acces fără bariere.
    • Oferte speciale pentru persoane cu dizabilități

      Reduced admission for people with disabilities and assistants. "See differently" guided tours (tactile tours) in the Upper Belvedere for blind and visually impaired visitors. The following topics can be booked in advance: A palace to touch - the new tactile model of the Upper Belvedere Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller and his time Gustav Klimt's main work "The Kiss" Multimedia guides with videos in Austrian Sign Language (OGS) are available for deaf visitors. Over 30 videos provide information on selected works from the collection in the Upper Belvedere as well as on the palace and gardens and the history of the Belvedere

    • Observații

      2 elevators reachable via a ramp (staff will provide assistance), wheelchairs available at the cloakroom.
      Shop/café: a few steps (staff will provide assistance).

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