Winiarnia Christ
1210 Vienna
Wyróżnienie dla najlepszej, wiedeńskiej gospody typu Heuriger o sprawdzonej jakości
On the north-eastern outskirts of Vienna lies the Christ vineyard, where wine is grown on the slopes of Bisamberg hill. The geological diversity explains the winery's enormous range of varieties. Enjoy the typical atmosphere of a Viennese Heurigen (wine tavern) with excellent wines and culinary delights in a modern ambience featuring natural stone and wood. The shady garden with its vine arbor and oleander is a real treat.
Godziny otwarcia
- Styczeń
- Marzec
- Maj
- Czerwiec
- Lipiec
- Wrzesień
- Listopad
- Pn - Pt, 15:00 - 23:00
- Sob - Nd, 12:00 - 23:00
- w dni świąteczne, 12:00 - 23:00
Vienna City Card
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