


Mechelgasse 2/Prätoriusgasse
1030 Vienna

In the Botanical Garden - established by Maria Theresa in 1754 - visitors can look forward to about 12,000 types of plant from six continents. Among other things, the garden serves as a place for scientific research and species protection, as an urban habitat for indigenous animal species and as an oasis of recreation in the heart of the city.

  • 営業時間

    • Information on current opening hours and events: see website

  • バリアフリー

    • メインエントランス
      • 段差なし
    • その他
      • 盲導犬同伴可
      • バリアフリーの入口付き障害者用トイレあり
    • 注記

      Distance of the parking spaces to the company: less than 50m
