Widok z ratusza na Burgtheater

Browar Ottakringer Brauerei

Ottakringer Platz 1
1160 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Zalety karty Vienna City Card: -20%

      Additional information on the offer: Normal price: from €19,90 (adults)

      Registration required: Booking of the guided tour via website with the code VCC20.
      The Vienna City Card must be presented on site.

      Booking website: https://www.ottakringerbrauerei.at/de/ottakringer-brauerei-fuhrung

      Meeting point: Infopoint

  • Zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem

    • Tours in German:
      Wed 2 pm/4 pm/6 pm
      Thu 2 pm/6 pm
      Fri 2 pm/4 pm/6 pm
      Sat 2 pm/6 pm

      Tours in English:
      Thu 4 pm
      Sat 4 pm

      Meeting point for guided tours: At the info point at the entrance to the Ottakringer event location. Directly opposite the tram station Johann Nepomuk Berger Platz.