Dania i napoje Heurigen na jednym stole

powrót do:

Oberlaa, Ottakring, Hernals

Uprawa winorośli Herrmann


This rustic old Viennese tavern is located in the middle of the Ottakringer vineyards. In fine weather, guests can sit under the romantic vine arbors with a view of the hotel's own vineyard. A friendly family business.

Johann-Staud-Straße 51
1160 Vienna

Winnica i oberża Weinbau Leitner


On the western outskirts of Vienna and a stone’s throw from Wilhelminenberg Palace stands one of the few wine taverns in the 16th district. This rustic establishment has its very own charm with a great view over the city and offers an idyllic retreat where you can end the day with a glass of wine.

Sprengersteig 68
1160 Vienna

Winiarnia opactwa St Peter's

Heuriger, Stift St. Peter vineyard, entrance door
Heuriger, Stift St. Peter vineyard, entrance door

Owned by the Benedictine monastery of St. Peter in Salzburg since 1042, Grüner Veltliner, Riesling, Chardonnay and Müller Thurgau are cultivated on eight hectares of vineyards in the Dornbach district of Vienna. You can enjoy the results in the own Heuriger (wine tavern), where you can also treat yourself to culinary delights in the old cellar vault or in the beautiful courtyard.

Rupertusplatz 5
1170 Vienna
  • Uwagi

    • Wyróżnienie dla najlepszej, wiedeńskiej gospody typu Heuriger o sprawdzonej jakości

  • Godziny otwarcia

    • On open days codziennie, 17:00 - 23:00
    • See website for open days.

Winiarnia Franz Wieselthaler

Weingut Franz Wieselthaler, garden
Weingut Franz Wieselthaler, garden

What began as a sideline in the 1950s has evolved over the years into the premier wine address in Oberlaa. Franz Wieselthaler has secured his place in the renowned Viennese wine scene with numerous awards for his outstanding wines.

Oberlaaer Straße 71
1100 Vienna
  • Godziny otwarcia

    • codziennie, 15:00 - 22:00
    • geöffnet Jänner, März, Mai, Juli, September, November

Winiarnia 10er-Marie

Ottakringer Straße 222-224
1160 Vienna

Winiarnia Manhardt

Liesingbachstraße 51
1100 Vienna
  • Godziny otwarcia

    • Czw - Sob, 15:00 - 23:00
    • Nd, 11:30 - 21:00
    • w dni świąteczne, 11:30 - 21:00

Oberża Stefan Wieselthaler

Oberlaaerstraße 120
1100 Vienna
  • Godziny otwarcia

    • Pn - Czw, 15:00 - 22:00
    • Pt - Sob, 15:00 - 23:00
    • w dni świąteczne - Nd, 11:00 - 21:00
    • Otwarte od 1. do 16. dnia każdego miesiąca W czerwcu i sierpniu otwarte codziennie.

Wszystkie lokale będące członkami platformy jakości „ Wiedeński Heurige“ „Der Wiener Heurige“ można znaleźć na stronie: www.wienerwein.at

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