Sguardo sul Burgtheater dal Municipio

Benvenuti a Vienna

Belvedere inferiore, Orangerie

Rennweg 6
1030 Vienna
  • Vienna City Card

    • Vantaggio con la Vienna City Card: -10%

      Additional information on the offer: -€ 1,50 on the current entry ticket price
      (Lower Belvedere)

      -€ 2,50 on the current entry ticket price
      2in1 Ticket (Upper & Lower Belvedere)

  • Orari di apertura

    • tutti i giorni, 10:00 - 18:00
    • Closed until further notice due to construction work.

  • Accessibilità

    • Ingresso principale
      • (Porta 90 cm largo)
        Rennweg 6
      • Rampa 600 cm lungo , 200 cm alto
    • Con ascensore
    • Ulteriori informazioni
      • Ammessi i cani guida per non vedenti
      • WC per disabili accessibili senza barriere architettoniche.
    • Offerte speciali per persone disabili

      Guided tours for groups in Austrian sign language and for the visually impaired (tactile tours).
 Reduced admission for persons with special needs and their escorts.

    • Note

      Lower Belvedere Shop & Orangerie: no steps

      Orangery entrance: wheelchair access via link corridor from Lower Belvedere to the Orangery, 2 single, paned doors (each 131 cm wide). Wheelchair-accessible restroom in the Orangery.

Articoli sul tema