Woman with smartphone, and St. Stephen's Cathedral in the background

Imprint ivie Application

Owner and Publisher

Wiener Tourismusverband
Invalidenstraße 6, A-1030 Vienna
Tel. +43-1-211 14-0
Fax +43-1-211 14-700
E-Mail: info@wien.info

The Vienna Tourist Board (a legal and public entity) is the tourism office of the City of Vienna and is subject to the law on the promotion of tourism in Vienna (Wiener Tourismusförderungsgesetz, WTFG). Managing Director: Norbert Kettner


Vienna Tourist Board 2021
All rights reserved.

Purpose of Publication / Declaration according to § 25 para. 4 MediaLaw

Tips and information for visitors and inhabitants of Vienna.


App Team Vienna Tourist Board


Florian Schmid
Strategy, Roadmap & Concept

Johannes Luxner

Digital Applications

Margit Wagner
Technical conception, development & release management

Angelika Lechner 

Copyright App Developement 

Endava Berlin (2019-2021)

Nagarro (ab 2021)


Additional data sources

 All locations of the category "utilities": City of Vienna – data.wien.gv.at

Weather: Zamg, https://www.zamg.ac.at

Disclaimer Hyperlinks

We carefully and continuously check the websites of our partners to which we link. Nevertheless, we would like to emphasize that we have no influence over the creation and content of the linked pages. If these pages, after having been checked by us, are changed without our knowledge in such a way that they present "illegal activities" according to Section 17 of the E-Commerce Law (Austrian Federal Law Supplement of December 21, 2001), we hereby explicitly distance ourselves from such changed content. This declaration is valid for all links in our application and all content of these sites with links or banners from our own app.

Note: Section 17 of the Austrian E-Commerce Law of December 21, 2001 exempts the offering website from responsibility for outside links, as long as it has no prior knowledge of the "illegal activity" on the part of the destination website. With several hundred links on our app pointing to other websites, we cannot monitor them all the time; we therefore ask you to inform us about any "illegal activities" on pages linked from our website.

Additional information according to the E-Commerce Law

(Austrian Federal Law Supplement of December 21, 2001, section 5, parts 1 and 2)
1. Name of the service provider: Vienna Tourist Board
2. Address: Invalidenstraße 6, A-1030 Vienna
3. Electronic address: wtv@wien.info
4. Corporate identity number and court of jurisdiction: not applicable for an entity of public law
5. Board of Control: City and State of Vienna
6. Chamber membership: not applicable
7. Identification number for Value Added Tax: ATU38158907.

We emphasize that the prices quoted on this app (e.g., admission fees for museums etc.) - unless otherwise stated - are end user prices and contain value added tax and all other duties and surcharges.

