View of Rathausplatz and the Burgtheater

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#wienliebe: a new festival on Rathausplatz

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From May 24 to 26, 2024, Vienna’s Rathausplatz will showcase what the city is internationally renowned for and present a best-of selection of Vienna’s culinary and craft scene, with music provided by popular Viennese musicians. In terms of gastronomy, the focus is naturally on Viennese cuisine as well as the Viennese coffee house and Heuriger culture. Renowned Viennese restaurants will be serving their specialties on Rathausplatz throughout these three days.

Plachutta will serve its famous Tafelspitz beef dish. The well-known Prater institution, the Schweizerhaus, will offer its popular pork knuckles and beer. The Schwarzes Kameel is the place to go for filled bread rolls. Bitzinger will be there with a sausage stand, the former imperial and royal court confectioner Gerstner will run a coffee house with sweet treats and the WienWein Group will showcase the Viennese “Heuriger” wine tavern. The Ottakringer Brewery will be serving beer from its own brewery and from associated microbreweries. Wines that won the Vienna Wine Prize will be available at a wine bar.

Typically Viennese crafts ranging from jewelry to textiles will also be presented on Rathausplatz, as well as foods grown within Vienna’s city limits.

View over the town hall, sunset in the background
© WienTourismus/Christian Stemper

Viennese music

The background music will also reflect what Vienna has to offer in this respect. The cultural offerings at #wienliebe will encompass genres from the traditional to modern Wiener Lied, musicals and hip-hop. The festival will be opened by the young folk band SarahBernhardt and the Wiener Symphoniker. This will be followed by the chamber music trio Wiener Brut led by yodeler Agnes Palmisano, the modern Wienerlied and vernacular band Müßig Gang and numerous other bands showcasing the many facets of the Wienerlied.

The Saturday will kick off with Viennese brass bands, and in the evening musical fans will get their fill with a best-of from the productions of the Vereinigte Wiener Bühnen. The Sunday will be a varied mixture of music, from 5/8erl in Ehren to hip-hopper Yasmo & Die Klangkantine. To round things off, the Vienna Dance Schools invite revellers to join in with a Viennese waltz, cha cha cha or the popular quadrille.


05.24. – 05.26.2024
Friday 2.00 pm – 10.00 pm, Saturday 10.00 am – 10.00 pm, Sunday 10.00 am – 6.00 pm
Free admission

City Hall Square

1010 Vienna


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