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Greener's always possible

No other city in the world is as green! On April 22, 2020, World Earth Day, "Resonance Consultancy", a consultancy group for real estate, tourism and economic development based in Vancouver and New York, published its list of the world's greenest cities. The 50 most-visited cities were assessed on the basis of nine "green" criteria.

Vienna is top in the following disciplines:

  • Parks and local recreational areas at every turn – half the city is green space.
  • Public transport in Vienna goes and operates everywhere. That's why one in every two Viennese makes use of it.
  • Recycling and composting programs are top: 30% of the city's energy requirement is covered by renewable sources.
  • Trash recycling can also be stylish: In Vienna, energy is also art
  • Local farmer's markets supply the city with the best food.
  • Vienna is a pedestrian paradise: even gives us 100 out of 100 points

Also measured were the water consumption of each city per capita and day as well as the air quality.

Starting with Vienna, the following are the world's 10 greenest cities:

  1. Vienna, Austria
  2. Munich, Germany
  3. Berlin, Germany
  4. Madrid, Spain
  5. São Paulo, Brazil
  6. Manchester, United Kingdom
  7. Lisbon, Portugal
  8. Singapore
  9. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  10. Washington D.C., USA

You can find full information about the ranking on the website "The World's Greenest Cities are our Future"

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Moodvideo about Vienna´s Green Spirit


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