People on a hiking trail

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Hiking in and around Vienna

A classic is the 11 kilometer-long City Hiking Trail 1. It begins at the terminus of tram line D in Vienna's heurige town of Nussdorf and leads you moderately steeply, but with a great view of the city, Vienna Woods and Danube, through vineyards and woods to the Stefaniewarte on the Kahlenberg. After a detour to the cozily modern "Hütte am Weg" (Josefinenhütte), arrive comfortably back at the starting point along the gently sloping ridge of the Nussberg after about three and a half to four hours. What's more, you can ideally combine the hiking experience with culinary delights at Restaurant Kahlenberg as well as at the heurige on Wildgrubgasse, Kahlenberger Straße and in Nussdorf. A variant is offered by City Hiking Trail 1a, which starts right on Nussdorf Platz. Here, you hike along the Danube beach promenade, climb the Leopoldsberg and the Kahlenberg and can round off the tour, which is also 11 kilometers in length, in one of the delightful heurige in the romantic Kahlenbergerdorf.


The newest addition to the hiking trail network in and around Vienna is the Wienerberg City Hiking Trail or City Hiking Trail 12. At almost 20 kilometers, it is the longest of Vienna's hiking trails. It is situated in the south of the city and passes through the most popular local recreational areas, the Wienerberg, Liesing, and Vösendorf, a small municipality with an old castle. Part of the route therefore even lies outside Vienna. The hiking trail is also easy to reach with public transport, such as via line 11, alighting at Frödenplatz.

Wiener Wasserweg

Anyone who likes to walk or cycle along the water should head to the Wiener Wasserweg water trail. This leads around the Upper and Lower Old Danube and allows you to learn interesting historical facts and all sorts of things about the fauna, flora, and conservation of the ecosystem at 21 selected places. The water trail also takes you past many bathing areas, restaurants and boat rental outlets: for the perfect combination of leisure and pleasure. For full information, get your copy of the Wiener Wasserweg Tour Guide via the website.

The Green Prater

When you visit the Green Prater, you are walking on the former imperial hunting ground. The best way is to follow the signs on the 13 kilometer-long City Hiking Trail 9, which takes your directly from Praterstern (U1 Praterstern) away from the main avenue on the level to the little water meadow area at Freudenau.


Ways to the wine on the edge of the city are offered by the hiking routes on the Bisamberg. One of these routes is the famous City Hiking Trail 5. Walk through old cellar lanes, roam through vineyards and oak woods.

Rundumadum Hiking Trail

The athletic amongst you can tackle the more than 120 kilometer-long Rundumadum Hiking Trail, which encircles the city in 24 easy to manage stages. The starting and end points of each stage can be reached by public transport. Inns and shelters along the way invite you to take a break. Collect confirmation at the five stamping points that you have really walked the "rundumadum" and be rewarded with a hiking pin!

Tip: If you'd prefer not to explore Vienna's city hiking tails on your own, please contact hiking coach and companion Martin Weber, who offers tours throughout the Vienna area. You will find full information here.

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