Hands Up

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Hands Up

How do people cope with the silence in their everyday lives? The interactive Hands Up exhibition in the 2nd district, which is open all year round, takes visitors on a fascinating journey into the world of silence. Deaf guides lead visitors through the exhibition rooms and share experiences of everyday life. They highlight barriers, but also identify possible solutions. Visitors are given special headphones and are also encouraged to learn simple gestures. Those who want to can also try their hand at sign language karaoke: an avatar signs the song “Hands up, Baby Hands up” and visitors are invited to join in.

These tours explore the beauty of sign languages and the practice of non-verbal communication. The aim of this trip is to break down fears of contact with deaf people in a protected meeting space and to build bridges between the world of the hearing and the deaf.

Hands Up
© Gerd Schneider

Hands Up

Blumauergasse 6
2nd cort, 1st floor
1020 Vienna
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