U-Bahn station Friedensbrücke

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Bicycles and Public Transportation

Bike and Ride

All important traffic junctions - especially at subway stations - provide the opportunity to park bicycles (about 17,000 bicycle stands) if one wants to change to public transportation. Parking is free of charge: it is recommended, however, to lock the bicycle to prevent theft.

Bicycle Transport in Vienna's Public Transportation

U-Bahn (Subway)

  • Mon-Fri: if a working day: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. and after 6:30 p.m.; Sat, Sun and holidays all day. Free!
  • Entry is permitted only through those doors that are specially marked with a bicycle symbol. In the subway, please always place your bicycle perpendicular to the direction in which the train travels.
  • www.wienerlinien.at

Bicycles cannot be carried on buses and trams for safety reasons. Exception: folded bicycles.

Schnellbahn (City Train)

  • Bicycles are permitted at any time in every train. Reservations are not possible, and bicycles can only be taken on board if sufficient free spaces are available.
  • Prices: Within Vienna, you will need a discounted single ticket for your bicycle. For trips outside Vienna, special tickets are offered at the ÖBB rate (single, weekly or monthly tickets).
  • www.oebb.at
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